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Bohumil Hrabal and a railway station in Dobrovice                       

A memorial plaque was unveiled in memory of an author, poet and bohemian Bohumil Hrabal in a waiting room of the Dobrovice railway station in 2004. The train station which inspired the author of 'Closely watched trains' made it to the final round of The most beautiful train station in the Czech republic. Bohumil Hrabal underwent his training here to become a train station dispatcher.„Bohumil Hrabal and history of railway in Dobrovice“ is a long-term exhibition in the museum of Dobrovice town, where you can learn much more on this topic. For example, how was the railway founded, why the train station is so far from the town, or you can follow, today defunct, railway Taxis Dobrovice- Dětenice.

Town hall tower in Dobrovice

The Dobrovice townhall was built around 1610 by Henyk of Valdštejn. There is a copy of castle's dancehall ceiling and astronomical clock on the tower. It burned down in 1673 and was re-erected in one year only, however, this time without the flamboyant ceiling and the astronomical clock. Townhall tower was made accessible to the public in May 2008. The tower had been cleaned, repaired and a new, safe staircase was made.

You can obtain more detailed information and current opening hours at information desk – telephone number 00420 326 398 191 or visit the website www.dobrovice.cz   


Jabkenice is a small village not far from Dobrovice with exquisite game-park and Bedřich Smetana's memorial. He spent his last years there in the Jabkenice hunter's lodge with his daughter's family. Part of the exposition of the National museum about the composer's and his family's life are reconstructed interiors of Smetana's study room and family saloon.


Chateau Loučen

Who wouldn't like to try the atmosphere and comfort of the nobility residence for at least once? A valet of His Highnes Duke Alexandr Thurn-Taxis Mr. Bouda is going to tell you on how life is at the castle. For those more adventurous and mystery seeking a maze park is waiting. It is a unique set of labyrinths and mazes in the Czech republic, which will explain the meaning and history of labyrinths.

Museum of the classical bookbinding and workshop of Jenda Rajman Rožďalovice

In a picturesque village in Central Bohemia, which is dominated by a church of St Havel and a castle, you can get a unique opportunity to bind your own book. You will get acquainted with traditional techniques of printing and binding books and you can try this craft yourself.  www.rajman.cz/

Gallery Melantrich Rožďalovice

Galerie Melantrich je v rekonstruovaném patrovém roubeném domě s podloubím. Během roku se zde pořádají různé příležitostné umělecké výstavy. Polabské muzeum se stálou expozicí Jiřího Melantricha z Aventýna, slavného renesančního knihtiskaře, expozice pedagoga G.A. Lindnera a dalších rožďalovických rodáků se nachází v  budově bývalé školy.  http://www.polabskemuzeum.cz/

The Bučice Mill

Just 3.5 kilometres away from Rožďalovice you can find a picturesque place dominated by a guest house Bučice Mill. Above standard services such as boarding and lodging it offers horse rides, fishing, organic farm. Romantic pastures surround unique natural area of Rožďalovice ponds and it is an important nestling place of many bird varieties. www.bucickymlyn.cz

View tower Romanka – Hrubý Jeseník

A view tower in the middle of the Labe river lowlands is the lowest located view tower in the Czech republic. It is in 204.5 metres above the sea level and 50 metres high with 116 steps to climb to the top. In a good weather you can see as far as shiny tip of Ještěd 51 km away, 69 km to The Giant mountains or to Žižkov TV tower in Prague or even further to mythical mountain Říp. But the best of all, you will see the beutiful countryside of the Labe lowlands and maybe even your own life from another perspective!

Village of Chleby

The smallest zoo in the Czech republic keeps many endangered and protected animals from all over the world. You can touch or even caress some of the tame residents of this zoo, your children can play with them or you can také a picture with them. The zoo organises lectures for groups of visitors from the animals' lives.


Chateau Křinec

Amidst of a splendid English park you can find an early baroque castle of Křinec. It was opened to the public in 2012.


Košík Farm

Slovak island in the middle of the Central Bohemia region creates a home to maybe all known domesticated animals you can think of: curious romanov sheep, helmeted guineafowl, fastidious goats, long-eared rabbits. Carps and Grass carps race in pond, cats bask in the sun, shepherd dogs guard everything and above all this in a donkey David pondering cannily. Chrochtík the wild boar is a sweetheart of all visitors to the farm and he happily patters around and is a great pal with everyone. This is a paradise for those who love mushrooming, kids, recommended stopover for bikers and renowned destination for connosieurs. The farm shephers seasonally make various types of cheese from sheep milk in a traditional way. http://www.farmakosik.cz/

Chateau Mcely

Chateau Mcely is a popular destination for luxurious connosieur, relaxing and romantic stays surrounded by nature, unforgettable family celebrations, weddings, conferences and other experiences or even company events. Lunches, dinners, summer picnics, afternoon teas follow old nobility traditions here, just one-hour drive from Prague city centre. www.chateaumcely.cz


Royal town of Nymburk was founded upon order of Přemysl Otakar II by the Dutch collonists. This is the reason why you can find there unique architecture comprising brick gothic, well-preserved medieval city walls and system of double water moat fortification, Sint Jiljí cathedral. Bohumil Hrabal spent his youth in Nymburk, the town of greenery and sport. It is an ideal spot for in-line skaters.

Ethnical museum in Přerov nad Labem

The oldest open-air museum introduces its visitors to customs, traditions and a way of life in the countryside in about thirty houses moved to this place. In all houses you can find interior seasonal expositions according to the season of the year.


Museum of historical motorcycles JAWA Rabakov         

Motorcycle enthusiasts cannot miss permanent exhibition of historical motorcycles made by traditional Czech brand.

Museum holds more than 140 exponates, with numerous unique pieces.


Botanicus Ostrá

In a small village called Ostrá near Lysá nad Labem you can travel back to history of various crafts. You can see traditional works of tinkers, weavers, potters, carvers, rope or soap makers.


Benátky nad Jizerou

The town of Benátky nad Jizerou is dominated by renaissance castle. There is a regional museum there. You might also find interesting the private museum of toys made between 1860 and 1945. Toys from Europe, Asia and United States are on display.


Škoda Auto muzeum Mladá Boleslav

Chronological timeline of various models made in Mladá Boleslav, together with a few bikes and motorbikes – that initiated the production at the very beginning of the company, describes the whole century of development of this thriving factory.

TEMPL – museum and gallery in Mladá Boleslav

Late gothic town pallace represents priceless display of town nobility residence architecture. It was built between 1488 and 1502 by Jan Císař from Hliník, a governor of Mladá Boleslav manor.

Aviatic museum of Metoděj Vlach Mladá Boleslav

This museum is named after a pioneer of aviatics from Mladá Boleslav Mr. Metoděj Vlach, who was the first Czech to construct an aeroplane of his own design, propelled by car engine and who actually flew the plane in 1922. You can see functional planes, as well as the under construction ones.


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