Subsidy projects

Project education and fun interactively
The project Education and Entertainment Interactively is co-financed by the European Union under Operation 19.2.1 of the Rural Development Programme. Main objective of the operation. Thanks to the project, an interactive system has been acquired, wh ...
Support for community activities of MAS Boleslavsko
CZ.03.02.01/00/22_008/0000200 Expected start date: 1 January 2023. Expected end date: 31 December 2025. In September 2022, MAS Boleslavsko submitted a project application entitled Support for community activities of MAS Boleslavsko to the OP ...

Development of cultural activities in Dobrovice
The implementation of the project Development of cultural activities in Dobrovicko was supported by the Rural Development Programme - Operation 19.2.1. within the framework of the Community-led Local Development Strategy of the LAG B ...

Suburban camp in the museum
The suburban camp supported by the European Social Fund, project number CZ.03.2.65/0.0/0.0/16_047/0015936, takes place in Dobrovice Museums in the years 2020-2022.